Tuesday, 19 October 2010


Through my research into Street Photography and after becoming interested in Street Art following my trip to Naples in Italy, I have been studying the work of Banksy the street artist.

Street Art is any art work carried out or displayed in a public place and can include graffiti, stencil work, sticker or poster art,  performance art and even flash mobbing, but usually refers to work not sanctioned by the authorities, as in graffiti.

Artists have challenged art and the art establishment, by carrying out their work in public places as opposed to art galleries.  They see this as subverting the establishment, often by altering satirically existing images and business logos.

It also gives the artist an opportunity to reach a much larger audience and put across alternative views about our environment, politics and any other subject which may be topical and current.

Banksy is considered the invisible man of graffiti art, he started as a freehand artist but had trouble finishing his subjects, due to the clandestine nature of the work, and realised that stencils would speed up the process, this distinguishes him from other graffiti artists and he is now somewhat accepted and feted in the artworld.

His work  can be bought via the internet and can be seen decorating  buildings and walls throughout the world as well as being shown in many art estabishments and galleries.  Banksy has even displayed his work in the British Museum and New York by hanging works himself, clandestinely, which has not been spotted by the custodians and hung for several days.  Some galleries have even accepted this work into their displays after discovering them.

Banksy usually records his work, which can often be fleeting and transistory with the use of photography, however this is only a by-product of his art work and has enabled him to publish books and prints which sell universally.

"There's no way you're going to get a quote from us to use on your book cover" - Metropolitan Police spokesperson - taken from the back cover of  'Banksy Wall and Piece'.

                'Banksy Wall and Piece' (book)

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